SSATP Annual Report 2017

The purpose of this report is to update the members, partners, and Executive Committee of the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) on the status of the second year of implementation of the Third…

March 31, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
1st ARSO Workshop in Dakar: Towards the Establishment of a Road Safety Observatory in Africa

This document summarizes attendees, agenda and outcomes of the 1st workshop held in Dakar which culminated with a Declaration on the intention to establish an all African countries road safety…

February 20, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
UN Voluntary Global Performance Targets for Road Safety Risk Factors, Service Delivery Mechanisms and Corresponding Indicators

This is a summary of the 12 road safety targets and their corresponding 34 indicators.

January 01, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
Status of Road Safety in the African region

This WHO publication summarizes road safety data for 44 African countries.

January 01, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
Survey Results: Road Safety Data, Data Collection Systems and Definitions

The document summarizes the results of relevant surveys undertaken within the Safer Africa project as well as existing road safety analysis documents in order to assess the current situation of…

October 01, 2017

Regional Integration
Container Terminal Concession Guidelines

Two African port associations, the Port Management Association for West Africa and Central Africa (PMAWCA) and the Port Management Association for East Africa and Southern Africa (PMAESA), with the…

June 28, 2017

SSATP Annual Report 2016

As it celebrates its thirtieth anniversary of shaping African transport policies and developing capacity, the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) continues to tackle key challenges that Africa…

April 01, 2017

Road Safety Observatory
Solutions in the Mediterranean

A review of conditions, trends and implications of sustainable mobility solutions in different Mediterranean countries.

October 01, 2016

Second Development Plan (DP2) Completion Report 2008-2014

This completion report of the SSATP Second Development Plan (DP2) presents: Summary of the DP2. Activities carried out during the reporting period and achievements by using indicators specified…

November 01, 2015

Urban Transport & Mobility
Policies for Sustainable Accessibility and Mobility in Urban Areas of Africa

Africa is urbanizing at a very high pace, and both large and intermediate African cities are experiencing rapid and often unplanned growth. As a result, policy- and decision-makers face numerous…

June 23, 2015

Road Asset Management
Private Sector Involvement in Road Financing

Most African countries are faced with substantial challenges to meet their needs for road maintenance, rehabilitation and construction through public financing. The underfunding problems are not…

December 17, 2014

Regional Integration
Reviving trade routes: evidence for maputo corridor

This new SSATP discussion paper reviews the experience of an apparently successful corridor to help understand optimal mix and trade-offs in reviving historical trade route. The Maputo Corridor,…

December 02, 2014

Road Safety
Managing Road Safety in Africa: A Framework for National Lead Agencies

Africa is currently experiencing the highest per capita rate of road fatalities in the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates the rate of road traffic deaths at 24.1 per 100,000 people…

October 12, 2014

SSATP Annual Report 2013

This annual report 2013 showcases SSATP's continued efforts under the Second Development Plan (DP2) to support African countries undertake needed policy reforms that will improve the performance of…

September 01, 2014

Rural Access & Mobility
Good Policies and Practices on Rural Transport in Africa: Planning Infrastructure & Services

A monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system is an essential element of the planning, design and implementation of rural transport projects and is useful in assessing whether projects achieve their…

June 05, 2014

Regional Integration
A Review of International Legal Instruments: Facilitation of Transport and Trade in Africa

Transport infrastructure is essential for inclusive growth and poverty reduction but the investments in building and maintaining it remain sub-optimal as long as the movement of goods is not seamless…

April 30, 2014

Regional Integration
Corridor Transport Observatory Guidlines

Trade and transport corridors are complex entities that have been defined as ‘a coordinated bundle of transport and logistics infrastructure and services that facilitates trade and transport flows…

November 26, 2013

Road Safety
Guidelines for Mainstreaming Road Safety in Regional Trade Road Corridors

This SSATP publication, jointly prepared with the World Bank, provides best practice guidelines for mainstreaming road safety in regional road trade corridors (RTRCs) investment programs in low and…

June 01, 2013

Regional Integration
Border Crossing Monitoring along the Northern Corridor

When one thinks of border crossing in Africa, the image that comes in mind is that of a long queue of trucks waiting idly to fill out paper. The improvement of road infrastructure was expected to…

April 13, 2013

2013 SSATP Annual Meeting: Proceedings

This document summarizes the proceedings of SSATP's Africa Transport Policy Forum and the General Assembly held in Dakar, Senegal on December 10-12, 2013. The Ministry of Infrastructure,…

April 01, 2013

SSATP Annual Report 2012

Although SSATP is a recognized and well-established program for policy development and capacity building of the African transport sector, new demands and changing needs of the sector put pressure on…

March 31, 2013