Road Asset Management
Management of Rural Roads in Cote d'Ivoire (PPT in French)

This presentation entitled 'Gestion des Routes Rurales en Côte d'Ivoire' was made by François Kouakou, Director of Network Management at AGEROUTE, at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls…

November 25, 2019

Regional Integration
Innovation in Improving Logistics Efficiency and Increasing Trade through E-Freight Markets

This presentation entitled 'Innovation in Improving Logistics Efficiency and Increasing Trade through E-Freight Markets' was made at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. It…

November 25, 2019

SSATP 2019 Annual General Meeting - Final Programme in English

This is the agenda for the SSATP Annual General Meeting held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe on November 25-29, 2019.  Agenda items  included, among other things: (i) Partner sessions and…

November 25, 2019

Urban Transport & Mobility
Policies for sustainable mobility and accessibility in cities of Benin - Diagnostic Study

This diagnostic study aims to identify the main mobility and accessibility issues in Benin’s cities by analyzing five priority themes: Strengthening the institutional framework for urban…

October 01, 2019

Urban Transport & Mobility
Policies for sustainable mobility and accessibility in cities of Burkina Faso - Diagnostic Study

The present diagnostic study aims to prompt a change in thinking about accessibility and mobility and to raise awareness among decision-makers so that they will implement strong policies, strategies…

October 01, 2019

Urban Transport & Mobility
Policies for sustainable mobility and accessibility in urban areas of Togo - Diagnostic Study

The present diagnostic study aims to prompt a change in thinking about accessibility and mobility and to raise awareness among decision-makers so that they will implement strong policies, strategies…

September 01, 2019

Road Safety Observatory
Note on the Status of Road Safety Priorities in the Arab Region

In preparation for the 3rd meeting of the UNRSTF Advisory Board, this note summarizes issues related to the magnitude, the management systems in place and data collection-related issues for selected…

August 30, 2019

Road Safety Observatory
Glossary for Transport Statistics: 5th Edition

The new 5th edition comprises 744 definitions and represents a point of reference for all those involved in transport statistics. In this edition, all transport modes chapters have been substantially…

July 11, 2019

Road Safety Observatory
The Policy Coordinators Working Group

This document entitled "Why the Policy Coordinator " as conveys the title explain the reason why the policy coordinator was created during the last AGM of the observatory in Durban, South Africa. It…

June 28, 2019

Road Safety Observatory
The Data Coordinators Working Group

This document explains the reason why the ARSO data coordinator group was created at the last Annual Meeting of the observatory in Durban, South Africa. It shows the different country represented in…

June 28, 2019

Road Safety Observatory
1st ARSO General Assembly

This document summarizes attendees, agenda and outcomes of the 1st General Assembly of ARSO held in South Africa, where governance decisions to ratify the Transitional Steering Committee until AU…

June 27, 2019

Road Safety Observatory
Workshop Report on Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics: Mortality from Road Crashes in Africa

This document summarizes attendees agenda and outcomes of the 2nd joint workshop between WHO and ARSO to address the discrepancies between police-reported and vital registration derived road fatality…

April 03, 2019

Road Safety Observatory
Final Report on Existing Best Practices, Methods and Tools for Collection and Processing of Reliable Data: Diagnoses of the Current Situation in Euro Med Countries and Recommendations on the Way Forward

Selected countries were sent a questionnaire and subject to detailed consultations to produce a country "diagnoses" in regards to the reliability, comparability, and robustness of existing road crash…

December 01, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
CARE Database: Common Accident Data Set (CaDaS) v3.7

The purpose of CARE system is to provide a powerful tool which would make it possible to identify and quantify road safety problems throughout the European roads.

November 29, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
The Transitional Steering Committee

This document entitled "Why the Transitional Steering Committee " as conveys the title explain the reason why the  transitional steering committee was established  during the last African…

November 14, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
Workshop for Outlining Strategies for Collecting and Improving Data on Road Traffic Deaths in Africa

This document summarizes attendees agenda and outcomes of the 1st joint workshop between WHO and ARSO to address the discrepancies between police-reported and vital registration derived road fatality…

November 14, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
3rd ARSO Workshop in Marrakesh: Towards the Establishment of a Road Safety Observatory in Africa

This document summarizes attendees, agenda and outcomes of the 3rd workshop held in Morocco which culminated in the delivery of ARSO proposed by laws to the AU, approval of a 2019-2021 work plan and…

November 14, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
Status of Road Safety in the African Region

Based on data collected for the WHO's 2018 Global Status Report on Road Safety, this fact sheet summarizes road safety data for 44 African countries, representing 93.7% of the…

August 13, 2018

2018 Annual Meeting Proceedings

The annual general meeting (AGM) of the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) is a legal requirement set forth in the governance structure of the pro-gram. The central theme of the 2018 AGM was “…

July 06, 2018

Road Safety Observatory
2nd ARSO Workshop in Abuja: Towards the Establishment of a Road Safety Observatory in Africa

This document summarizes attendees, agenda and outcomes of the 2nd workshop held in Nigeria which had an intense focus on the definition of a minimum number of crash-related variables to be collected…

July 02, 2018

Regional Integration
West and central africa trucking competitiveness

The landlocked countries in West & Central Africa are characterized by large trade imbalances, with export-import ratios below 30 percent, and an overwhelming reliance on road transport. While…

April 13, 2018