Road Asset Management
Financing of Road Maintenance

October 31, 1999

Road Asset Management
The strategic game "Tariff & Traffic": Lessons from successful tests in Madagascar, Guinea and Rwanda

In many Sub-Saharan African countries, the efficiency of the road maintenance system is not, or is no longer adequate to preserve the network, and provide users with a durable, appropriate level of…

October 01, 1999

Road Asset Management
Unpaved Roads' Roughness Estimation by Subjective Evaluation

September 30, 1999

Road Asset Management
Paving of Unpaved Roads Economically-Justified Paving Costs

September 30, 1999

Rural Access & Mobility
The Rural Travel and Transport Program (RTTP)

This presentation provides an overview the Rural Travel and Transport Program (RTTP), which supports the development of national rural transport policies and strategies to: improve the…

September 30, 1999

Road Asset Management
Typical Unpaved Roads Roughness Predicted By the HDM-III Model

September 30, 1999

Road Asset Management
Improving Management and Financing of Roads in Central African States -- Review of the Road Sector in Member Countries of the Customs and Economic Union of Central African States (UDEAC)

The note is based on a review of the road sector within the member countries of the Customs and Economic Union of Central African States (UDEAC), and describes the road network, indicating conditions…

September 30, 1999

Road Asset Management
Roads Economic Decision Model (RED) for Economic Evaluation of Low Volume Roads

This note presents a consumer surplus model to help evaluate investments in roads with low traffic volumes (between 50 and 200 vehicles per day) which are so prevalent in Africa. The model is…

April 01, 1999

SSATP Progress Report 1998

During the 1998 reporting period, emphasis in the work of SSATP continued to move towards policy reform and implementation strategy work at the country level. A core of the approach of the program is…

February 28, 1999

Road Safety Observatory
Minimum Country-level Crash Data

Ground work and several meetings led to the identification of several crash-related variables that all countries should aim to collect.  A smaller selection out of these variables will be shared…

November 01, 1998

Road Asset Management
Dedicated Road Financing -- Lessons and Challenges

October 31, 1998

Road Asset Management
Road Management Initiative RMI -- Phase III -- Annual Report 1997/98

October 31, 1998

Rural Access & Mobility
Road Management Initiative, Rural Travel and Transport Program, Thirteenth Coordinating Committee Meeting,November 9-13, 1998, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

The Thirteenth Meeting of the Coordinating Committee for the Road Management Initiative (RMI) and the Rural Travel and Transport Program (RTTP) of the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (…

October 31, 1998

Regional Integration
The Abidjan-Ouagadougo Railway Concession

Since the 1980s, most Sub-Saharan African railways have been experiencing a severe crisis: declining traffic and revenue, lack of market orientation and poor service, continued operation of high-loss…

June 01, 1998

Rural Access & Mobility
Options for Managing and Financing Rural Transport Infrastructure

Ineffective rural transport services are a major obstacle to economic and social development in Sub Saharan Africa. Alleviating poverty requires improved access to social and economic facilities. And…

May 31, 1998

Road Asset Management
Commercial Management and Financing of Roads

April 30, 1998

SSATP Progress Report 1997

The present progress report provides an update on the status of the Program, and captures the experience in running the Program since the restructuring of the Africa Region of the World Bank in mid-…

April 01, 1998

Rural Access & Mobility
The Provision of Rural Transport Services

The argument presented in this report is that the relationships between improved rural road infrastructure and the provision of complementary vehicle services have not been fully understood resulting…

March 31, 1998

Road Asset Management
Road Management Initiative (RMI) Strategy 1998/2000

March 31, 1998

Road Safety
Road Safety in Africa: Appraisal of Road Safety Initiatives in Five African Countries

Upon the request of the World Bank, Norway's Institute of Transport Economics appraised the road safety situation and road safety work in five African countries: Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya…

February 01, 1998

Road Asset Management
Role of the RMI in Sector Reform In Sub-Saharan Africa

January 31, 1998