Paving of Unpaved Roads Economically-Justified Paving Costs

WORLD BANK Transport Note September 30, 1999 Road Asset Management Rural Roads

Rodrigo S. Archondo-Callao

The World Bank
Infrastructure Notes No. RT-3
Paving of Unpaved Roads Economically-Justified Paving Costs

Abstract: Under certain circumstances, paving of unpaved roads may be economically justified. To help road agencies identify unpaved roads that may be potential candidates for paving, this Note presents typical scenarios in which paving may be examined as a valid investment option. This procedure should be considered no more than a first screening process, and candidate roads that pass this first screening should thereafter be subject to further investigation that would include a more rigorous economic evaluation and evaluation of other aspects of the proposed paving, notably the environmental and social aspects. Candidate roads that did not pass this first screening would not be subject to further examination, at least not for the time being, and candidate roads with marginal economic feasibility should be subject to a more rigorous economic evaluation with refined data.

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