Commercialization of Road Management in Sub-Saharan African Countries -- Appraisal of the RMI Concepts Implementation

Tools SSATP Technical Note November 30, 1999 Road Asset Management…
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Ole Kr. Sylte
SSATP, The World Bank
Africa Transport Technical Note No. 26
Commercialization of Road Management in Sub-Saharan African Countries -- Appraisal of the RMI Concepts Implementation
This note is based on the "Appraisal of the Road Management Initiative (RMI) Concepts Implementation in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) Countries", a study carried out using forms, and procedures prepared by the RMI, and to some extent, builds on regional reviews of the road sector in SSA countries. Implementing the RMI concept requires reforms in four complementary areas: ownership, to empower the public in taking an active role in roads management; developing financing models that promote economic efficiency, and ensure revenues for the operation, and maintenance of road networks; establishing responsibilities within the road sector; and, ensure effective management systems, procedures, and accountability.

Transport sector management Reform policy Empowerment of civil society Ownership Financing options Economic feasibility Revenue mobilization Operation & maintenance Management techniques Regulatory frameworkaged axle load fuel Managers private sector RMI road agencies Road Authorities road conditions Road Fund Road Funds Road Maintenance road management ROAD NETWORK road networks road safety road use Road User Road Users roads routine maintenance safety Tolls traffic Transport Treasury vehicle registration
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