10. Presentations*
Trade and Transport Facilitation - International, Regional and Sub-Regional Conventions (PDF, 1.6 Mb)
French only |
AU/NEPAD Transport Action Plan to Close Africa's Infrastructural Gap (PDF, 3.8 Mb) |
Taming HIV/AIDS on the Abidjan-Lagos Transport Corridor (PDF, 1.9 Mb) |
Walvis Bay Corridor Development (PDF, 523 Kb) |
African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) - Arusha Technical Workshop in November 2005 (PDF, 1.1 Mb) |
Association of Southern National Roads Agencies (ASANRA) (PDF, 30 Kb)
Managing and Financing Sub-National Road Networks (PDF, 34 Kb) |
SADC Guideline of Sealed Low Volume Roads:
Presentation (PDF, 9.9 Mb), Synopsis (PDF, 332 Kb) |
Institutional Development for a Sustainable Road Sector Strategy (PDF, 1.5 Mb) |
Output- and Performance-based Road Contracts (PDF, 2.7 Mb) |
Status of Road Status Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF, 81 Kb) |
Road Sector Legal Framework:
Presentation (PDF, 42 Kb), Synopsis (PDF, 30 Kb) |
Managing Road Infrastructure - Promoting the Use of
Selected Approaches and Tools (PDF, 788Kb) |
Institutional, Financial and Regulatory Frameworks in Large Sub-Saharan African Cities:
Presentation (PDF, 68 Kb), Synopsis (PDF, 256 Kb)
Methodology for the Rapid Assessment of Rural Transport Services (PDF, 3.5 Mb) |
Building an Integrated Spatial Decision System in Lesotho
with a Focus on Transport (PDF, 2.2 Mb) |
* |
Some of the presentations prepared for the SSATP Annual Meeting were not all delivered due to time restraints |