SSATP High Level Strategic Workshop Report - Dublin 2006
Mary Braithwaite

This report covers the high-level strategic meeting convened in the offices of Irish Aid in Dublin on June 28 and 29, 2006. Participants, consisting of a group of donors and African stakeholders, focused on: (i) strengthening the engagement of donors with Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) in support of Long Term Development Plan (LTDP) results -- particularly the outputs of the PRTSR; (ii) the role of SSATP in facilitating the effective use of donor resources to reduce poverty in sub-Saharan Africa; and (iii) how these issues will be addressed at the Annual Meeting and what some of the priority outcomes should be. The objectives of the meeting were to reach agreement on: 1. How to strengthen the engagement of donors with SSATP, particularly in support of transport strategies anchored in poverty reduction (Session 1); 2. the role of SSATP in facilitating the increased use of ODA for transport in SSA to achieve the goals of poverty reduction / pro-poor growth and to meet agreed principles on aid effectiveness (Session 2); 3. how issues 1. and 2. should be addressed at the 2006 Annual Meeting, and the people who should be involved (Session 3); and 4. the follow-up actions to be taken, including advance preparations for the 2006 Annual Meeting (Session 4).