A Railway Concessioning Toolkit: Application to African Networks

Toolkits SSATP Working Paper April 01, 2003 Regional Integration

Jean-Marie Gugenheim

SSATP, The World Bank
SSATP Working Paper 74
A Railway Concessioning Toolkit: Application to African Networks

The toolkit presented here is intended to provide African countries, in summary form, with an overview of the experience to date with railway concessioning in Sub-Saharan Africa. The reader will note that the Guide refrains from defining ìtheî model concession arrangement to be applied in every circumstance; no such model exists, and each individual situation calls for individualized solutions. But the wealth of accumulated experience should at least make it possible to avoid repetition of some of the mistakes that the pioneers with concession operations did indeed make in the course of the process, the complexity of which could hardly be underestimated.

Railway transport concessions Guidelines Operational strategies Transport sector management Reform policy RAILWAY NETWORK Organizational structure institutional framework Guarantee agreements Prequalification criteria
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