Non-Motorized Transport in African Cities -- Lessons from Experience in Kenya and Tanzania
V. Setty Pendakur
This document is based on a program of Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) Infrastructure and Services in Kenya (Nairobi and Eldoret), and Tanzania (Temeke, ward of Dar es Salaam and Morogoro). It aims to: a) comprehensively document the background to urban mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), b) describe the NMT pilot projects and their post-project monitoring, c) document the various assessments of this program which were previously undertaken, and, d) draw the "Lessons from experience" as a potentially useful instrument for the formulation and implementation of future NMT programs in SSA. The assessment of the NMT pilot interventions raised a number of key issues that could be addressed in future interventions. Activities that could be undertaken to consolidate, and further develop the achievements of the NMT pilot projects include: 1) A survey of standard NMT infrastructure design details already used by local authorities in SSA. Assess the potential usefulness of consolidating these designs, and the experiences of the pilot projects into a design manual for NMT infrastructure. Analyze the suitability of these designs in relation to the lessons learned on the pilot projects; 2) A manual of standard designs that could be used widely in the region. Establish the appropriate level of sophistication for such a manual; 3) Encouraging a higher profile for NMT issues by establishing a Challenge Fund. This fund would be available for committed local authorities in SSA to develop their own capacity for addressing the needs of NMT, and for long-term capacity development in their own organizations. The funds would be allocated to those demonstrating commitment to the needs of NMT users.