Intermediate Means of Transport in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Its Potential for Improving Rural Travel and Transport

WORLD BANK Technical Paper November 30, 1991 Rural Access & Mobility…
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John D. N. Riverson and Steve Carapetis

The World Bank
World Bank Technical Paper No. 161
Intermediate Means of Transport in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Its Potential for Improving Rural Travel and Transport

Current rural travel and transport are dominated by head loading and walking (largely by women) to satisfy the daily travel and goods movement needs of rural populations in sub - Saharan Africa (SSA). Although rural roads and off-road transport may interact synergistically, with each amplifying the economic and social impact of the other, this interaction has not been directly studied or quantified. When intermediate means of transport (IMTs) have been introduced in the past and used in the transport system, private individuals have usually developed and reaped the benefits. The better understanding that is required of the nature of rural travel and transport and its impact on rural development is being addressed in current studies under the sub - Saharan Africa Transport Program (SSATP) by the World Bank and Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) with the support of bilateral donors. This working paper discusses the current situation, develops new policy directions, and specifies need and ongoing studies for improving rural travel and transport in sub - Saharan Africa (SSA).

Rural transport rural roads rural infrastructure means of transport Africa South of Sahara Rural developmentaccounting ADB affiliates agricultural growth agricultural productivity Agricultural Research agriculture animal-drawn carts bicycle trailers bicycles bottlenecks bridge bullock ploughs bullock-carts cars Crop Production crops drainage draught animals extension of roads external trips feeder roads feeder roads connecting villages Firewood Collection footpaths foreign exchange Forests fuel handcarts Household Transport Household Transport Time Household transportation households IMT inadequate rural transport Infrastructure improvements Intermediate means of transport Land Development loading Low Volume Roads Migration mopeds motor vehicles motorcycles motorized transport natural resources Nutrition Ox carts pack animals Pedestrians personal mobility poor rural travel public transport Reconstruction Remote Sensing road density road improvements road infrastructure road investments road networks road rehabilitation road system road systems Road transport roadways RURAL ACCESS rural accessibility rural areas rural communities rural development rural infrastructure rural people Rural Road Rural road density rural road infrastructure rural road investments rural road network rural road rehabilitation rural roads Rural Transport Activities Rural Transport Development rural transport improvement rural transport policies rural transport services Rural Travel safety savings social services Software Engineering speed terrain tertiary roads total rural transport Tracks tractors traffic traffic surveys trails Transport Burden Transport Burden of Women Households transport projects transport services transport tasks transportation trips Use of Bicycles Vehicle Availability vehicle capacity vehicle fleets Vehicles walking Water Meters Water supply Watershed wheelbarrow Wheelbarrows Wind
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