Africa's Road Safety Challenge
Growing vehicle ownership and rapid urbanization have increased the incidence of road crashes in Africa. Despite being the least motorized region, it has the highest road traffic fatality rates in the world: 2.6.6 per 100,000 people. This translates to 650 deaths per day, nearly half of which involve vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. The socio-economic impacts of road crashes and related injuries are not only harming the continent’s development, but also affecting the livelihood of countless African families.

3% of GDP

650 people

39% of road deaths
SSATP's Response
In partnership with the AUC and UNECA, SSATP was one of the key contributors to the African Road Safety Charter, which underpins the Decade of Action for Road Safety in Africa 2011-2020 and the Africa Road Safety Action Plan adopted by African Heads of State in 2012.
Recognizing that stopping the epidemic of road fatalities and serious injuries from spiraling out of control will require implementing effective road safety policies and strategies, SSATP supports its African member countries with developing the capacity needed to effectively manage and monitor the road safety challenge in their countries. Responding to requests for assistance, SSATP supports its member countries with:
- Creating dedicated lead agencies for road safety and strengthening existing ones.
- Developing effective road safety strategies, policies and action plans with time-bound targets.
- Improving the quality and management of road safety data as a basis for evidence-based interventions.
- Mainstreaming road safety in transport related initiatives and new road developments.
Where government and donor funding is available, SSATP goes a step further to assist countries with implementation. However, for SSATP to effectively advance the road safety agenda in Africa, strong collaboration and partnerships with key stakeholders is critical. Our main technical partners include the GRSF, FIA, CITA, Safer Africa and IRTAD.

Towards a Safer Future
African Road Safety Observatory (ARSO): As part of its commitment to assist AU member countries with managing and monitoring their progress towards realizing the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 goals, SSATP worked with key partners to establish ARSO. The observatory intends to foster national, international and continental cooperation to generate a robust body of road safety data that can be used to monitor Africa’s progress in road safety and influence policymaking.
Addis Ababa Road Safety Strategy: SSATP helped Ethiopia's capital develop the Addis Ababa Road Safety Strategy, which aims to halve the number of deaths and severe injuries from road traffic crashes by 2023 and provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all by 2030. On March 2017, the City Cabinet approved the strategy and nominated the Addis Ababa Road Traffic Management Agency (AARTMA) as the lead agency for implementing it. Over the last two years, the City has succeeded in substantially stabilizing the growth rate of road traffic fatalities (RTF), which flatflined during period of 2017-2018.
Featured Publication
Managing Road Safety in Africa: A Framework for National Lead Agencies has been prepared to help countries and the Regional Economic Communities recognize and address the significant deficits in the capacity to manage road safety.