Zimbabwe Hosts SSATP's 2019 Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls (Presentations included)
Hosted by Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, the 2019 SSATP Annual Meeting took take place in Victoria Falls on November 25-29, 2019. The central theme of this year’s SSATP General Assembly taking place on November 29th was “Positioning Africa for a Sustainable Post-2020 Road Safety Agenda.”
- November 25-27, 2019: Cross-fertilization through specialized technical sessions under each of the three SSATP pillars (regional integration, urban mobility and road safety);
- November 28, 2019: Lessons from the implementation of DP3 and discussions on the Concept Note of the Fourth Development Plan (DP4);
- November 29, 2019: General Assembly to approve the way forward regarding the finalization of DP4 and welcoming new members.
The General Assembly is the main official meeting of the AGM. On this day, SSATP hosted several flagship events around the road safety pillar. After the opening ceremony - which was inaugurated by Zimbabwe’s Minister of Transport together with a representative from the World Bank, the European Commission, and the AUC and UNECA’s representative on the SSATP Executive Committee - there was an awards ceremony to recognize the winners of the African Road Safety Observatory’s #Roads4Life Storytelling Contest. This was immediately followed by a high-level panel that set the stage for actions countries should undertake to ensure progress towards a sustainable post-2020 road safety agenda in Africa. At this event, delegates confirmed the Republic of Djibouti as the 42nd SSATP member country.
The AGM convened approximately 230 participants, including experts and high-level officials from the donor community, international and continental organizations, and the ministries of transport of 36 SSATP member countries.
The annual meeting not only provided a useful platform to discuss the continental progress achieved thus far, and advocate for needed reforms, but also served as a forum for sharing knowledge, lessons learned, and experiences that can help advance the continent’s transport agenda going forward.
Proceedings of the 2019 SSATP Annual General Meeting
2019 SSATP Annual Meeting Agenda
Annual Meeting Presentations:
Day 1: (11/25/2019)
Partner Session – RECAP
- Towards Sustainable Mobility in Africa
- Climate Change Mitigation: Ministerial Work on an Annual Integrated Transport and Climate Report
- Status of Rural Access in Africa
- Sustainable Rural Access and the Rural Access Indicator
- Setting the Scene: Climate resilient urban transport–the global challenge
- The Need for Climate Resilience Policies in Road Asset Management
- Strategic Approach to Climate Change
- The Role of ARMFA in Road Asset Management
- Gestion des Routes Rurales en Côte d'Ivoire (in French)
- Urban Mobility - Applying Innovative Solutions to Old Problems
- The Contribution of Urban Paratransit Mapping to Road Safety
- Improving Road Safety Through Innovative Street Design
- Sustainable Urban Mobility and Implementing the New Urban Agenda
- Promoting Safe and Sustainable Cities with Public Transport
- Sustainable Urban Transport Index (SUTI) for Asian Cities
- Sustainable Urban Design
- Status of African Railways
- Satellite Imagery and Road Condition
Road Safety – Legislators
Road Safety – Universities
- Regional Centre of Excellence for Road Safety
- African Universities and Road Safety Data, Research and Analysis
Day 2: (11/26/2019)
Urban Transport and Mobility
- Dar Es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System: Implementation Overview and Challenges
- Measuring progress against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and implementing the New Urban Agenda
- Cities Leadership - Introducing the Cities Diagnostic of the African Development Bank (AfDB)
- Enhancing Financial Sustainability and Commercial Viability of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Sub-Saharan Africa
- How to Institutionalize Public Transport Effectively
- Informal Transit Reform: The Case of Freetown / Digitalization of Transport in African Cities
- South African Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Experiences: What Can We Learn?
- Dakar Bus Rapid Transit Pilot Project
Regional Integration
- Digitalization of Transport Documents: An Enabler of Improved Road Governance and Corridor Performance
- Trucking monitoring by GPS for Corridor Transport Observatories
- Ensuring the Sustainability of Corridor Management Institutions
- Advancing Africa Green Freight Transport Agenda
- Innovation in Improving Logistics Efficiency and Increasing Trade through E-Freight Markets
- Promoting Cleaner, More Efficient Transport in Africa
Road Safety – ARSO
- Africa Road Safety Observatory Online Database-Dropbox
- Survey Analysis Report - First Results: Evaluating Country Level Adherence to Crash-Related Variables
- Questionnaire: Evaluating Country Level Adherence to Crash-Related Variables
- UN Road Safety Conventions
- Safe Vehicles in Africa: A pressing need for action
- Status of the African Road Safety Charter
Road Safety – Legislators
Day 3: (11/27/2019)
Road Safety
- Sécurité routière en Tunisie : Réformes en cours & défis (in French)
- Road Management Best Practices: Integrating Road Safety and Asset Management
- Road Safety Pillar C: DP3 Progress & Looking to DP4
- Challenges of Financing Road Safety in Zimbabwe
Urban Transport and Mobility
Regional Integration
- Regional Integration Pillar Projecting the DP4: Lessons Learnt from DP3
- Regional Integration Proposed Results Framework for DP4
- Projecting Regional Integration in DP4
- Overview of the Africa Transport Policy Program
- Presentation of Fourth Development Plan (DP4) Concept - Decarbonizing transport modes and using digital technologies to revolutionize the sector in Africa
- Tripartite Transport and Transit Facilitation Programme (TTTFP): Progress and Current Status
Day 4: (11/28/2019)
- Presentation of Fourth Development Plan (DP4) Concept UPDATED- Decarbonizing transport modes and using digital technologies to revolutionize the sector in Africa
- Regional Integration Pillar - Wrap-Up Presentation
- Urban Mobility & Transport Pillar – Wrap-Up Presentation
- Road Safety Pillar - Wrap-Up Presentation
Day 5: (11/29/2019)
Awards Ceremony for the #Roads4Life Storytelling Contest: Winning Entries
- Cameroon Traveler App – Road Safety Innovation Category (video)
- Chris Kaganzi's Story Uganda - Personal Story Category (video)
- Donkey Carts in Botswana - Personal Story Category (video)
- Roads4Life in Zimbabwe – Road Safety Leadership Category (video)
- New SSATP Website Presentation
- SSATP 2018 Annual Report - Overview Presentation
- Presentation on DP3 Progress from January-June 2019