Concessioning of Rail Transport -- A New Approach to Restructuring Railways in Sub-Saharan Africa

As with many railways in developing and developed, countries, Sub-Saharan Africa's railways are now at a crossroads. Facing increased competition, the African railways will play an important…

July 01, 1997

Regional Integration
Trade and Transport Facilitation- A Review of Current Issues and Operational Experience

This joint World Bank/UNCTAD review proposes ways and means to improve the competitiveness of a country's international trade by: increasing the quality and reducing the associated costs of…

May 31, 1996

Regional Integration
Promoting Policy Reforms for Effective Transport Services in COMESA Countries

Concerned by the poor state of the road network in most of its member countries, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) has been promoting reforms to help regional integration for…

May 01, 1996

Regional Integration
Maritime Transport Serving West and Central African Countries: Trends and Issues

In June 1992, MINCONMAR (Ministerial Conference of Western and Central Africa) and the Bank organized the Cotonou Conference to review the situation and identify options for reform. The Conference…

August 01, 1995

Regional Integration
Shipping Services in Western and Central African Countries -- Cotonou, June 1992

August 31, 1994

Regional Integration
Trade and Transport Logistics Facilitation Guidelines

The main objective of these guidelines is to advise on how to approach the complex issue of competitiveness in trade, and on how to achieve cost savings in logistics by reducing the time of…

August 31, 1993

Regional Integration
Shipping Services in Western and Central African Countries -- Cotonou, June 1992

This paper reports on the discussions and conclusions of the three working groups which have been established to deal with the main topics: (a) macroeconomic impact of maritime transport on the…

May 31, 1993

Regional Integration
Legal Instruments for the Facilitation of Transport and Trade

Transport infrastructure is essential for inclusive growth and poverty reduction but the investments in building and maintaining it remain sub-optimal as long as the movement of goods is not seamless…