Urban Transport Services in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Improving Vehicles Operations

Toolkits SSATP Working Paper April 30, 2003 Urban Transport & Mobility
SSATPWP75.pdf955.33 KB

Mustapha Benmaamar

SSATP, The World Bank
SSATP Working Paper No.75
Urban Transport Services in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Improving Vehicles Operations

The report presents findings, and the way forward in respect of the Knowledge and Research (KAR) Project on vehicle operations in Sub-Saharan Africa, basically undertaken in Uganda and Ghana. In the first phase, the study identified problems faced by transport operators in both countries, and analyzed their impact on vehicle operating costs, as well as examining transport regulations, and current organization of transport services and their impact on vehicle utilization. In the second phase, to disseminate research findings, raise awareness, and develop action plans, a national stakeholder workshop was organized in each country. Main findings in Uganda highlight the need to introduce competition, through initiatives in the management of vehicle technical control, training assistance, and transport as a whole, involving the private sector. Similarly, in Ghana, highlights include the need to establish professional freight agents concerning land transport, in order to consolidate freight transport, in addition to improved arrangements in transport management, and transport legislation, and regulations. The two main focus areas are: support to local governments in the establishment of a transport operations strategy framework, and, specifically, support for the development, and management of bus, and truck parks.

accident rate accidents air pollution axle load banking system Banks bus companies Bus fares bus operator bus routes Bus Services bus stations bus transport buses cant cars CITIES city bus collateral commercial vehicles compulsory bus driving license consolidation driver behavior driver training drivers drivers training driving efficiency of transport employment fares fatal accidents financial institutions framework freight transport freight vehicles government intervention hand vehicles implementation strategies land transport legislation levies loading local authorities local government management of bus parks management reports mini-buses minibus minibuses mobility motorcycles municipalities passenger passenger transport Pavement police Private Road Transport productivity profitability public transport public transport vehicles regulatory framework reorganization Resource allocation resource mobilization RMI road infrastructure Road Maintenance road management Road transport Road Users roads routes safety safety issues savings setting out sharing Taxis technical assistance towns traffic traffic congestion transport authority transport infrastructure transport operators transport planning Transport Policy transport sector truck drivers trucking trucks urban bus urban mobility Urban transport urban transport activities Urban transport services used vehicles vehicle vehicle fleets vehicle inspection vehicle life vehicle operating costs vehicle operation vehicle owners vehicle ownership vehicle performance vehicle registration vehicle utilization Vehicles waiting timeTransport sector management Transport Policy vehicle operating costs Transport terminals Bus transportation Project analysis Transportation research Legal & regulatory framework Technical knowledge Training assistance Private sector participation Freight traffic Land transportation
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