SSATP Progress Report 1997

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Kevin M. Cleaver, Technical Director, Africa Region, The World Bank

SSATP, The World Bank
SSATP Working Paper No. 28
SSATP Progress Report 1997
The Sub-Sahara Africa Transport Program (SSATP) was launched in 1987 as a joint initiative of the World Bank and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) to improve transport sector performance by promoting policy reforms and institutional changes. The SSATP is a broad collaborative effort of national development aid agencies, international agencies (UNDP, ILO, and UNCTAD), and African institutions (i. a. UAR, MINCONMAR, PTA), with the World Bank and ECA acting as the Executing Agencies. The activities of the program were initially coordinated by an International Advisory Committee (IAC) chaired by UNECA, which held its first meeting in Washington DC, in March 1987. The operating principles and the coverage of the SSATP were laid down at a meeting of the IAC in Oslo, in December 1988. By 1992 policy reform had emerged as the prime area that needed attention, and to underline this the name of the program was changed to Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program. The SSATP is implemented through a series of components directed at key issues on the transport agenda. Donors' interest, availability of African Partners, and relevance for World Bank operational objectives, all have guided the selection and definition of the various components. Each component is targeted at a specific audience and carried out in collaboration with development agencies and African institutions, with the participation of African experts and advisors.

accident prevention accidents accountability assets axle load buses capital cities civil engineering collaboration communication costs Consulting Services Contractors decentralization decision making decision-making erosion financial management Financing of Roads fiscal year framework fuel institutional development instruction Intermediate means of transport legislation lending operations local councils local government local governments main roads metropolitan areas modal split motorized transport municipalities NMT Permanent International Association of Road Congresses personal mobility PIARC ports Privatization productivity programs public transport public transportation public urban transport Railways reinforcement resource allocations resource mobilization RMI Road Financing Road Funds Road Maintenance Road Maintenance Initiative road management road safety Road Sector Road Users roads routine maintenance rural infrastructure Rural transport salvage sharing social services technical assistance Toll Roads traffic traffic safety Transport transport infrastructure transport planning transport policies Transport Policy transport projects transport sector transportation trust fund trust funds Urban Development urban mobility urban public transport Urban transport urban transport policy Urban Transport Project urban transport projects Urban transport services user chargesTransport sector management Policy reform Donors poverty alleviation Stakeholder participation Dissemination of information Policy initiatives Partnerships Policy framework Road Maintenance Rural transport Urban transport Trade Railway restructuring Program management Monitoring
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