Reforming Road Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Overcoming Obstacles to Implementation

Tools SSATP Technical Note February 28, 2001 Road Asset Management…
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Francis N. Nyangaga
SSATP, The World Bank
Africa Transport Technical Note No.32
Reforming Road Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Overcoming Obstacles to Implementation
This note is based on the Road Management Initiative (RMI) Country Coordinator for Kenya, Mr. F.N. Nyangaga's progress report, presented to the World Road Congresses in Kuala Lumpur, 1999. The RMI has, over the past ten years, worked with interested African countries to identify the underlying causes of poor road management policies, and to develop an agenda of reforms that will facilitate sustainable management of the public road networks. The note points out the RMI works at the country level, through broad based Steering Committees, with a nominated RMI Coordinator as its secretariat, in close cooperation with World Bank, and donor-supported programs in the road sector. Since its inception, the RMI has presented progress reports at the quad-annual World Road Congresses. The note reviews policy reforms in the region, and examines how to overcome obstacles to RMI implementation, and, stipulates sustainable reforms cannot be achieved without a consistent enabling, policy and institutional framework, and, a comprehensive program for transformation, capacity building, and mitigation of socioeconomic impact.

Road Maintenance Management development Transport Policy Bank's catalytic role Donor finance Policy reform Funds Resources management Business process structures institutional framework Capacity building Socioeconomic indicatorsaccidents accounting authority axle load bureaucracy cash flows construction industry decision-makers equipment Expenditure financial audits financial difficulties Financing of Roads fiscal framework government department Government departments government level Inflation institutional reform lack of clarity laws legislation levies local authorities local authority local government main roads Managers ministries of finance Nations PIARC private sector public sector public sector employment public spending Public Works redundancy representatives RMI Road Boards Road Funds Road Maintenance Road Maintenance Initiative road management road networks Road Users roads streets traffic traffic regulations traffic safety transparency Transport User Charges
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