Road Sector Reform: A Tale of Two Countries--(Part 2) Burkina Faso: Deliberate Evolution

Tools SSATP Technical Note December 31, 1996 Road Asset Management Burkina Faso…
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Sam Mwamburi Mwale

SSATP, The World Bank
Africa Transport technical Note No. 7
Road Sector Reform: A Tale of Two Countries--(Part 2) Burkina Faso: Deliberate Evolution

The note is the second part of a series intended to share information about issues raised in various Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) reports, and it addresses Burkina Faso's recent institutional reforms, highlighting the deliberate inclusion of stakeholders in designing the evolving reform, in contrast to reforms in other countries. The note analyzes the road maintenance program, and the restructured Public Works Department, now with the responsibility for planning, and scheduling annual maintenance operations, and administering works performed by small- or medium-sized enterprises, though the control of the equipment pool has been relinquished to an autonomous corporation, the Societe de Location du Materiel (SLM), a commercial enterprise in all respects, except for its contract to maintain government holdings: both the Government, and private sector lease equipment from SLM at commercial rates, and its operational, and capital costs are covered by revenues from leasing out its own equipment. Moreover, SLM provides assistance to small- and medium-sized enterprises development, and, ensures accountability, by conducting extensive audits of all contracted works, both from the technical, and financial standpoint. Reforms have reduced the procurement timing, speeded up the payment process, obviously enhancing the efficiency of the public, and private sector road maintenance.

account accountability accounts auditing auditors audits bulldozers capitalization cation civil service Contractors debt drivers external auditors financial resources financial statements fuel government agencies government department institutional reforms marketing Nations Privatization procurement public service purchasing rehabilitation Resource allocation RMI Road Maintenance road management roads routine maintenance sales Transport transportation working capitalRoad maintenance Transport sector management Sectoral reforms institutional reform Contract management technical assistance Stakeholder participation Restructuring Small & medium scale enterprises Equipment management Commercial enterprises Public-private partnerships Operational costs Capital costs financial management Payments arrangements
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