Media Dissemination of Road Sector Reforms

Papers & Notes SSATP Technical Note January 01, 1997 Road Asset Management…
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Sam Mwamburi Mwale

SSATP, The World Bank
Africa Transport Technical Note No.4
Media Dissemination of Road Sector Reforms

This note is based on a paper delivered by Sam M. Mwale at the RMI/ RTTP 11th Coordinating Committee Meeting in Kampala, October 1996. Mr. Mwale is a policy analyst with the Policy Research Group, Nairobi. It presents how the explosion of media outlets and the diversity of their outreach provide excellent opportunities for the dissemination to - and ownership of development policies, programs, and projects by - stakeholders and beneficiaries.

Road Maintenance Transport sector management Sectoral reforms Funds Contract management Private sector participation Training methods Consulting Services technical assistance Supervision strategies Loan purchase agreements Legal reforms institutional framework decentralization Public-private partnerships
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