SSATP Annual Meeting 2005 - Bamako, Mali

SSATP Program Documents January 31, 2006 Programmatic Mali…


Final Report Website -- Main Text and Annexes
SSATP Annual Meeting 2005 - Bamako, Mali

Hosted by the Government of Mali in the capital city of Bamako, the main part of the 2005 Annual Meeting of Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) stakeholders took place from November 14th to 18th. As preliminary meeting activities commenced on November 10th, the 2005 event occupied nearly eight days. The Meeting addressed issues identified by SSATP members and partners as the most important and challenging for the development of transport in line with Africa's visions and needs, including: developing transport strategies that contribute to poverty reduction; strengthening the links between transport, trade and regional integration; establishing sound institutions and financing arrangements for the roads sector; managing increased financing from development partners; creating a future vision for transport in Africa; improving the mobility of the urban poor; and ensuring that the voices of women are heard in LTDP implementation.

Aid Effectiveness air Air Transport airport automobile axle load Capacity building concrete development goals employment opportunities framework fuel fuel levies Metropolitan Transport Metropolitan Transport Authority Ministry of Transport mobility motorized transport national poverty national transport NMT Participatory methods Permanent International Association of Road Congresses PIARC political support poor Poverty reduction poverty reduction strategies regional transport Road road agencies Road Fund Road Funds Road Maintenance road management ROAD NETWORK road safety Road transport roads Rural rural poor rural roads Rural transport rural transport services Rural Travel setting out sharing Sub-Saharan Africa traffic transit transit corridor Transport transport costs Transport facilitation transport policies Transport Policy transport policy development transport sector transport services transport strategies TRANSPORT STRATEGY transportation Transports trip true urban mobility
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